1. Jäger, M., Zangger, G., Bricca, A., Dideriksen, M., Smith, S. M., Midtgaard, J., & Skou, S. T. (2023). Mapping interventional components and behavior change techniques used to promote self-management in people with multimorbidity:
    a scoping review. Health Psychology Review, 1-24.

  2. Skou, S. T., Nyberg, M., Dideriksen, M., Overgaard, J. A., Bodilsen, C., Soja, A. MB., Attarzadeh, A. P., Bieder, M. J., Dridi, N. P., Heltberg, A., Gæde, P. H., Reventlow, J. L., Arnfred, S., Bodtger, U., Thygesen, L. C., Jäger, M., & Bricca, A. (2023). Study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trial of personalized exercise therapy and self-management support for people with multimorbidity: The MOBILIZE study. Journal of Multimorbidity and
    Comorbidity, 13, 26335565231154447.

  3. Skou, S. T., Brødsgaard, R. H., Nyberg, M., Dideriksen, M., Bodtger, U., Bricca, A., & Jäger, M. (2023). Personalised exercise therapy and self-management support for people with multimorbidity: feasibility of the MOBILIZE intervention. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(1), 1-14.

  4. Bricca, A., Jäger, M., Johnston, M., Zangger, G., Harris, L. K., Midtgaard, J. & Skou, S.T. (2022). Effect of in-person delivered behavioural interventions in people with multimorbidity: systematic review and meta-analysis. International
    Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(2), 167-189.

  5. Andersen, R. M., Skou, S. T., Clausen, M. B., Jäger, M., Zangger, G., Grøntved, A., Brønd, J. C., Soja, A. M. B. & Tang, L. H. (2022). Maintenance of physical activity after cardiac rehabilitation (FAIR): study protocol for a feasibility
    trial. BMJ open, 12(4), e060157.

  6. Jäger, M., Lindhardt, M. C., Pedersen, J. R., Dideriksen, M., Nyberg, M., Bricca, A., Bodtger, U., Midtgaard, J. & Skou, S. T. (2022). Putting the pieces together: a qualitative study exploring perspectives on self-management and exercise behavior among people living with multimorbidity, healthcare professionals, relatives, and patient advocates. Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity, 12, 26335565221100172.

  7. Bricca, A., Pellegrini, A., Zangger, G., Ahler, J., Jäger, M. & Skou, S. T. (2022). The quality of health apps and their potential to promote behavior change in patients with a chronic condition or multimorbidity: systematic search
    in app store and Google play. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10(2), e33168.

  8. Bricca, A., Pellegrini, A., Zangger, G., Ahler, J., Jäger, M. & Skou, S. T. (2021). Dont judge an App by its cover! An overview of the quality and potential to promote behaviour change of the most downloaded Apps for people with
    one or more chronic conditions. BMJ Group.

  9. Bricca, A., Jäger, M., Johnston, M., Zangger, G., Harris, L. K., Midtgaard, J. & Skou, S. T. (2021). Effect of behavioural interventions in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials: Oral Presentation B7. 5. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 14(3).
  10. Harris, L. K., Skou, S. T., Juhl, C. B., Jäger, M. & Bricca, A. (2021). Recruitment and retention rates in randomised bcontrolled trials of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Trials, 22(1),

  11. Jäger, M., Rance, J. & Terry, J., dec. (2021). A Mindful ACT-testing the feasibility and acceptability of a brief psychosocial intervention designed to accompany osteopathy treatment for people who live with persistent pain. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 42, 85-91.

  12. Bricca, A., Harris, L. K., Jäger, M., Smith, S. M., Juhl, C. B. & Skou, S. T. (2020). Corrigendum to" Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials"[Ageing Res. Rev. 63C (2020) 101166]. Ageing research reviews, 64, 101190.

  13. Bricca, A., Harris, L. K., Jäger, M., Smith, S. M., Juhl, C. B. & Skou, S. T. (2020) Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Ageing
    research reviews, 63, 101166.

  14. Saracutu, M., Bricca, A., Zangger, G., Smith, S., Midtgaard, J., Taylor, R., Juhl, C. B. & Skou, S. T. (2020). Mapping the behaviour change techniques used in patient-centered interventions for people with multimorbidity: a
    scoping review protocol.
  15. Bricca, A., Harris, L. K., Saracutu, M., Smith, S. M., Juhl, C. B., & Skou, S. T. (2020). The benefits and harms of therapeutic exercise on physical and psychosocial outcomes in people with multimorbidity: Protocol for a systematic
    review. Journal of Comorbidity, 10, 1-7.

  16. Bricca, A., Harris, L. K., Jäger, M., Smith, S. M., Juhl, C. B., & Skou, S. T. (2020). Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Ageing
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  17. Bricca, A., Harris, L. K., Jäger, M., Smith, S., Juhl, C. B., & Skou, S. T. (2021). Infographic. Benefits and harms of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

  18. Harris, L. K., Skou, S. T., Juhl, C. B., Jäger, M., & Bricca, A. (2021). Recruitment and retention rates in randomised controlled trials of exercise therapy in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Trials, 22,

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  21. Saracutu, M., Skou, S. T., Dideriksen, M., Pedersen, J. K. R. & Gerlach, E. KBR. (2021). Forskere: Patientforeninger bør styrke samarbejdet for at favne de multisyge. Altinget.dk.
  22. Skou, S. T., Saracutu, M., Bricca, A., Pihl, K., Dideriksen, M., Juhl, C. B., Harris, L. K., & Aagaard, G. (2019). MOBILIZE Bedre sundhed for mennesker med multimorbiditet gennem individualiseret træning og uddannelse. Dansk
    Sportsmedicin. https://dansksportsmedicin.dk/mobilize-bedre-sundhed-for-mennesker-med-multimorbiditet-gennem-individualiseret-traening-og-uddannelse
  23. Bricca, A., Jäger, M., Johnston, M., Zangger, G., Harris, L. K., Midtgaard, J., & Skou, S. T. (2021). Effect of behavioural interventions on physical activity, weight loss, physical function, health-related quality of life and depression
    in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.